75th Anniversary Campaign
This campaign is to raise funds for support of the on-campus YRC, to support concerts by the YRC Alumni Association and, importantly, to set aside a reserve fund for the 75th Anniversary concert and celebration. Please consider making your donation an automatic annual gift if you are able - this helps us to plan expenditures for the coming year.
By check:
If you prefer to contribute by check, please make it payable to the YRC Alumni Association and mail it to:
Yale Russian Chorus Alumni Association
1406 E. Thomas St
Seattle, WA 98112
Be sure to include your home address.
Through PayPal:
If you prefer to contribute directly through PayPal, our PayPal account is in the name of the YRC Alumni Association. Click on the PayPal button below.
Please consider supporting the Denis Mickiewicz endowment with a legacy gift to the YRCAA.