News and Events

YRCAA Concert
Join Yale Russian Chorus current members and alumni for a special concert at St. Mary’s in Philadelphia!
Blagoslovi Dushe Moya
T’eb’e Poyem
Blazhen Muzh
Otche Nash
Glassom Moim
Shen khar
Ahh ty St’ep
Kas Tie Tadi
The Legend of the Twelve Brigands

70th Anniversary Concert Retrospective
On Saturday, December 9, 12:00 Eastern time / 20:00 Moscow time, we will hold a livestream event in which current YRC Conductor Gabriel Mesa, YRCAA President Ben Rifkin, and Lewis Johnson will review and discuss recordings from the 70th anniversary concert. Members of our global audience will be viewing and engaging in live chat, and we will respond to questions from this live audience.
The Youtube livestream link is available here.
Past YRCAA Concerts and Events, 2020-2023
70th Anniversary Concert
September 2023
On September 9th the Yale Russian Chorus and Alumni Association celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of the chorus. 90 singers from around the world converged for a weekend of rehearsals culminating in a performance in Woolsey Hall on Yale’s campus.
YRCAA completes Cultural Vistas grant
Fall 2022
The YRCAA received a grant from Cultural Vistas, a nonprofit cultural exchange organization, to pursue online musical collaboration with like-minded musical groups in Russia. The grant supported joint online concerts and workshops, which were streamed to audiences around the world. The grant is part of Cultural Vistas’ Rebuilding a Russian-American Conversation.
November 2022
Live streamed on our YouTube channel: “Yale Russian Chorus Live: Highlights of the 2022 YRC Reunion Concert”. Co-sponsored by the Rebuilding a Russian-American Conversation program implemented by Cultural Vistas.
October 2022
Hosted a bilingual virtual lecture and discussion with Anton Viskov: Orthodox Music for the Modern Era, co-sponsored by the Rebuilding a Russian-American Conversation program implemented by Cultural Vistas.
September 2022
69th Anniversary Concert with the YRC in Yale’s Battell Chapel. Concert recording and preparation co-sponsored by the Rebuilding a Russian-American Conversation program implemented by Cultural Vistas. Also participated virtually in the first annual Men’s Chorus Festival in Krasnoyarsk, Russia. Recording available here.

The mission of the Yale Russian Chorus Alumni Association is to promote intercultural understanding through the music we sing, music from Russia, Central and Eastern Europe (including Ukraine), and elsewhere from Eurasia, as well as from America. Devoted to intercultural understanding and peace, we have always sung and will continue to sing music of these regions, including the music of Russia and Ukraine, to promote peace throughout the world and foster global understanding.
A Statement from the YRCAA: March 2022
Місія Асоціації випускників російського хору Єльського університету – сприяти міжкультурному взаєморозумінню через музику, яку ми співаємо, музику з Росії, Центральної та Східної Європи (включаючи Україну), а також інших країн Євразії та Америки. Ми віддані міжкультурному взаєморозумінню та миру, і ми завжди співали і продовжуватимемо співати музику цих регіонів, щоб підтримувати мир у всьому світі та сприяти міжнародному взаєморозумінню.
Миссия Ассоциации выпускников Йельского Русского Хора заключается в развитии межкультурного взаимопонимания благодаря песням, которые мы исполняем, через песнопения Центральной и Восточной Европы, включая и украинскую и русскую музыку, а также музыку Евразии и Америки. Мы преданы межкультурному взаимопониманию и миру, и мы всегда пели и будем продолжать петь музыку этих регионов, с тем чтобы поддерживать мир во всем мире и способствовать международному взаимопониманию.
December 2021
Livestreamed singalong with members of the YRC.
October 2020
Virtual concert celebration of Georgian music. The YRCAA collaborated with choruses from around the world.